Finding Peace Through Spiritual Preparation


At the heart of the "Six Months or Less" lifestyle is the journey of spiritual preparation. In facing the end of life, many find themselves seeking deeper understanding and peace.

Exploring Faith and Forgiveness 

Our resources guide you through exploring your faith, fostering a deeper relationship with the divine, and seeking forgiveness from others and oneself. These steps are crucial in finding peace and preparing spiritually for the journey ahead. 

The Role of Sacraments and Prayers 

For many, prayer and the sacraments offer comfort and a tangible connection to their faith. Our lifestyle provides guidance on accessing these spiritual resources, ensuring they're a source of strength and solace. 


Spiritual preparation can transform the end-of-life experience into a time of profound peace and connection. The "Six Months or Less" lifestyle offers the resources and support to embark on this spiritual journey with confidence.

Finding Peace Through Spiritual Preparation
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