1999 was an interesting year. Many were fearful that the arrival of 2000 would signal the end of the world. Instead, the year 2000 arrived peacefully and the real estate and stock markets boomed. At the same time, two families living in Minnesota underwent personal trauma: one suffered death and the other divorce. Both were shocking events to two young families. By the grace of God, the suffering lasted only a decade as these families met and became one in marriage practicing trust in our Heavenly Father.

In 2004, Dr. Nancy Miller lost her husband (Dr. Steven Miller) to lung cancer. At the last appointment, Steve’s doctor told him not to get his affairs in order as he was not near death. He had another chemotherapy to try. Unfortunately, 10 days later, Steve developed ARDS (acute respiratory distress syndrome) and died. Nancy watched Steve suffer to breathe, gasping for 20 hours and basically suffocate. An inexperienced intern had ordered incorrect palliating medication in the ICU. Nancy and her six children were stunned and never able to say goodbye. After his funeral, Nancy embarked to single parent their six children, ages 3–16.

Coincidentally, just across the Mississippi River, the most pivotal moment in life occurred to Steve Johnson. On a run, instead of asking God for gifts, this time he asked: "What do you want of me?" In a firm fatherly voice Steve clearly heard: "Quit drinking alcohol." He stopped short on the path while the hair on his neck stood up. He looked around to see who said this, then went home and obediently removed any alcohol in the house. The one beer Steve drank at the Twins game before his run would be the last beer of his life.

Three days after the historic 9/11/2001 terrorist attack, Steve started feeling lightheaded at the church festival. ER tests lead to a "catheter ablation" which solved the tachycardia and life resumed normally in 2 days. One year later, his heart was re-tested.

During the festival in 2002, Steve discovered there were insurmountable issues going on in his marriage. Children were ages 5, 8 and 11 at the time. Steve was about to lose everything; his marriage, his new home and the business he successfully built. He needed every ounce of energy to emotionally and spiritually prepare him for the storm clouds that were coming. Steve was convinced he was providentially instructed to quit drinking alcohol so that he would not use it to quell his sorrow and anxiety.

Years later Nancy and Steve were both encouraged to date and met on CatholicMatch.com in July, 2010. Despite different backgrounds, their lives were similar in matters of importance for a healthy marriage. Steve's first marriage was annulled. The two were then joyfully married at the Cathedral Shrine of Saint Paul by the Archbishop, witnessed by their 9 children. Nancy is a Board Certified MD (Hospice Palliative Care) Medical director and Steve owns Mantle Buzz Promotions.

Hospice patients are given a certified prognosis of 6 months or less to live. Every day or night Nancy admits a new patient to her hospice service and creates a unique plan of care for them with her hospice team of experts. Her truly remarkable patients inspired her to wonder: How would I live today if I too had only 6 months left to live? Steve and Nancy have combined career paths with the goal to effectively obliterate mankind's ultimate fear: the fear of death. "SixMonthsorLess.com" lives today radically -hearts burning, chins up, shoulders back, looking for the next opportunity to forgive and to give. SMOL is a way of life -living big today never expecting tomorrow. It is a way of life aimed at creating profound memories, giving and forgiving while marking your personal legacy.

“What was once the Miller family and Johnson family is now the Miller Johnson family.  9 Children, 14 grandchildren, 5 spouses make our current tribe count 30!